"Why we would love you to come and join us and be part of the tribe"
As humans we have become very distant from tribal energy.
As Jim Carey declared: Society is collapsing and people are starting to recognise that the reason they feel like they're mentally ill is that they're living in a system that is not designed to suit the human spirit.
At Love Pirates we create a space of no judgment for us all to find the ways we raise the Oxytocin to be in a beautiful place and time with our children and grandchildren… dancing all night, receiving massage and absorbing information from wise souls… BEING TOGETHER with the sole purpose of relaxing, laughing and having time to go deeper with your friends and family.
Steering the ship is Vanessa Brooks a mother of three, granny of four, a midwife and creator of Daaluz Midwifery School in Orgiva where the infamous Dragon Festival happened. You'll most likely find her running the festival site and dressing people up in her own secret sequin boutique, where there is a selection of dressing up clothes and incredible artwork on display. Seek the secret sequin out and find out why we are named:
The Sequin Chaff!
Nigel AKA Wibbs is the husband to Vanessa and none of this could happen without him! He will be found in the main dance tent, be sure to catch Wibbs DJing in the chaff over the weekend or have a boogie with him on the dance floor. Oh and find out why we are named….The Sequin Chaff.
The dance space is co hosted by Daniel Baxter, our production manager, making sure we have great sound and generally keeping the vibe high… again an essential part of the team!
The legendary Michi Kvin will be running the Live Stage, Michi's passion for live music and her constant enthusiasm and generosity is second to none.